Chaat about that


The guy above had a really bad day… just saying.

Been well busy. Work and stuff getting in the way of a good cooking feast. Anyway had some time tonight and decided to go all booo-diggity and make some chicken chaat. I love this stuff in Inidan restaurents, so decided I needed chicken tonight and decided I needed chicken chaat..

Fecking easy as passing wind in bed.. have a look

I bought the chicken drumsticks from a local supermarket. Marininated in curry powder, cumin seeds, chilli powder, coriander seed, tumeric, ginger, garlic and lemon juice and natural yoghurt for 8 hrs.

I then simply roasted in the oven at 200oC for 30min in roasting bags. Moist, tender and juicey, just like my girlfriend hahahahaha…

So simple a retarded baby seal after a bad attempt at a clubbing could do it.

Would be good as a starter or as a main course…



Mr Singh’s Lentil “Oh yeah” Dahl…. Bollywood style

Namastē –

That means hello or something in Indian – Hindi or something since there are a billion different languages in the country of curry.

Anyway… I thought I’d post this. Tonight I shall veer slightly of the RAW path a bit and have Lentil Dahl (also my Tree is craving Lentils) with maybe some coconut toast and a salad. Feeling this way I made a Lentil Dahl. Like all curries and curry type things – it takes ages for the flavours to mature,  so I made it during lunch so all I have to do is “re-heat and eat” – WOW that rhythms..

Anyway have a look….

so… what is it you gasp… well easy….

  1. Cup of organic lentils
  2. 1/3 cup of split yellow organic pea’s
  3. curry powder mix (i make my own.. will do a post on that one soon)
  4. water cress, mint, tomatoes and chives
  5. Veg stock (your own or a good organic pre-stock)

Done… you boil the lentil and pea in stock and curry powder…. after you have soaked them for about 3 hours in water and add all the rest of the ingredients…. top with more of the stuff I just mentioned and either shove in your massive gob for lunch or do what I am going to do and have it for dinner with a salad and maybe some eggs… (yumtastic)

You know me… if you want the precise recipe… comment or contact my Holy Hare Ram Self…. 🙂

Peace x